





2023.09-至今 深圳大学,高等研究院,特聘教授

2021.09–2023.08 深圳大学,高等研究院,研究员、助理教授

2018.05–2021.08 深圳大学,高等研究院,副研究员

2016.02–2018.03 深圳大学,高等研究院,博士后

2012.09–2015.12 法国图卢兹第三大学,EcoLab,博士

2009.09–2012.06 扬州大学,海洋科学与技术研究所,硕士

2005.09–2009.06 扬州大学,环境科学与工程学院,学士













  1. Huan Du, Jie Pan, Dayu Zou, Yuhan Huang, Yang Liu*,Meng Li* (2022) Active functional modules derived from network analysis and metabolic interactions reveal the functions of microbiome.Microbiome(Accepted)

  2. Liu, Yang#; Makarova, Kira S.#; Huang, Wen-Cong#; Wolf, Yuri I.; Nikolskaya, Anastasia N.; Zhang, Xinxu; Cai, Mingwei; Zhang, Cui-Jing; Xu, Wei; Luo, Zhuhua; Cheng, Lei; Koonin, Eugene V.; Li, Meng. (2021). Expanded diversity of Asgard archaea and their relationships with eukaryotes. Nature, 593(7860), 553–557.https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-021-03494-3

  3. Yang Liu,Meng Li* (2022) Importance of Korarchaeota in the phylogeny of TACK and Asgard archaea.mLifehttps://doi.org/10.1002/mlf2.12020

  4. Huang, Wen-Cong#;Liu, Yang#; Zhang, Xinxu; Zhang, Cui-Jing; Zou, Dayu; Zheng, Shiling; Xu, Wei; Luo, Zhuhua; Liu, Fanghua; Li, Meng. (2021). Comparative genomic analysis reveals metabolic flexibility of Woesearchaeota. Nature Communications, 12(1), 5281.https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-25565-9

  5. Cai, Mingwei#;Liu, Yang#; Yin, Xiuran; Zhou, Zhichao; Friedrich, Michael W.; Richter-Heitmann, Tim; Nimzyk, Rolf; Kulkarni, Ajinkya; Wang, Xiaowen; Li, Wenjin; Pan, Jie; Yang, Yuchun; Gu, Ji-Dong; Li, Meng. (2020). Diverse Asgard archaea including the novel phylum Gerdarchaeota participate in organic matter degradation. Science China Life Sciences, 63(6), 886–897.https://doi.org/10.1007/s11427-020-1679-1

  6. Liu, Yang; Zhou, Zhichao; Pan, Jie; Baker, Brett J.; Gu, Ji-Dong; Li, Meng. (2018). Comparative genomic inference suggests mixotrophic lifestyle for Thorarchaeota. The ISME Journal, 12(4), 1021–1031.https://doi.org/10.1038/s41396-018-0060-x

  7. Liu, Yang; Tackx, Michèle; Dauta, Alain; Julien, Frédéric; Buffan‐Dubau, Evelyne. (2021). Rotifers stimulate the specific uptake rate in lotic phototrophic biofilms. Freshwater Biology, 66(7), 1245–1256.https://doi.org/10.1111/fwb.13713

  8. Liu, Yang; Majdi, Nabil; Tackx, Michèle; Dauta, Alain; Gerino, Magali; Julien, Frédéric; Buffan-Dubau, Evelyne. (2015). Short-term effects of nutrient enrichment on river biofilm: N–NO3− uptake rate and response of meiofauna. Hydrobiologia, 744(1), 165–175.https://doi.org/10.1007/s10750-014-2074-3

  9. Liu, Yang#; Dedieu, Karine#; Sánchez-Pérez, Jose-Miguel; Montuelle, Bernard; Buffan-Dubau, Evelyne; Julien, Frédéric; Azémar, Frédéric; Sauvage, Sabine; Marmonier, Pierre; Yao, Jingmei; Vervier, Philippe; Gerino, Magali. (2017). Role of biodiversity in the biogeochemical processes at the water-sediment interface of macroporous river bed: An experimental approach. Ecological Engineering, 103, 385–393.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoleng.2016.03.049

  10. Du, Wanlin#;Liu, Yang#; Sun, Jinhui; Wu, Naicheng; Mai, Yongzhan; Wang, Chao. (2020). The aquatic microbial community: a bibliometric analysis of global research trends (1991– 2018). Fundamental and Applied Limnology / Archiv Für Hydrobiologie, 194(1), 19–32.https://doi.org/10.1127/fal/2020/1305

  11. Wang, Chao#;Liu, Yang#; Zhan, Qin; Yang, Wanling; Wu, Naicheng. (2018). Global trends in phytoplankton research of river ecosystems during 1991–2016: A bibliometric analysis. Fundamental and Applied Limnology, 191(1), 25–36.https://doi.org/10.1127/fal/2017/1051

  12. Cai, Mingwei; Richter-Heitmann, Tim; Yin, Xiuran; Huang, Wen-Cong; Yang, Yuchun; Zhang, Cuijing; Duan, Changhai; Pan, Jie;Liu, Yang; Liu, Yue; Friedrich, Michael W.; Li, Meng. (2021). Ecological features and global distribution of Asgard archaea. Science of The Total Environment, 758, 143581.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.143581

  13. Liu, Jiwen; Zheng, Yanfen; Lin, Heyu; Wang, Xuchen; Li, Meng;Liu, Yang; Yu, Meng; Zhao, Meixun; Pedentchouk, Nikolai; Lea-Smith, David J.; Todd, Jonathan D.; Magill, Clayton R.; Zhang, Wei-Jia; Zhou, Shun; Song, Delei; Zhong, Haohui; Xin, Yu; Yu, Min; Tian, Jiwei; Zhang, Xiao-Hua. (2019). Proliferation of hydrocarbon-degrading microbes at the bottom of the Mariana Trench. Microbiome, 7(1), 47.https://doi.org/10.1186/s40168-019-0652-3

  14. Liu, Lirui; Huang, Wen-Cong;Liu, Yang; Li, Meng. (2021). Diversity of cellulolytic microorganisms and microbial cellulases. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 163, 105277.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ibiod.2021.105277

  15. Liu, Xiaobo; Li, Meng; Castelle, Cindy J.; Probst, Alexander J.; Zhou, Zhichao; Pan, Jie;Liu, Yang; Banfield, Jillian F.; Gu, Ji-Dong. (2018). Insights into the ecology, evolution, and metabolism of the widespread Woesearchaeotal lineages. Microbiome, 6(1), 102.https://doi.org/10.1186/s40168-018-0488-2

  16. Liu, Xiaobo; Pan, Jie;Liu, Yang; Li, Meng; Gu, Ji-Dong. (2018). Diversity and distribution of Archaea in global estuarine ecosystems. Science of The Total Environment, 637, 349–358.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.05.016

  17. Liu, Zongbao; Klümper, Uli;Liu, Yang; Yang, Yuchun; Wei, Qiaoyan; Lin, Jih-Gaw; Gu, Ji-Dong; Li, Meng. (2019). Metagenomic and metatranscriptomic analyses reveal activity and hosts of antibiotic resistance genes in activated sludge. Environment International, 129, 208–220.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envint.2019.05.036

  18. Lu, Zhongyi; Fu, Ting; Li, Tianyi;Liu, Yang; Zhang, Siyu; Li, Jinquan; Dai, Junbiao; Koonin, Eugene V.; Li, Guohui; Chu, Huiying; Li, Meng. (2020). Coevolution of Eukaryote-like Vps4 and ESCRT-III Subunits in the Asgard Archaea. MBio, 11(3), e00417-20.https://doi.org/10.1128/mbio.00417-20

  19. Makarova, Kira S.; Wolf, Yuri I.; Shmakov, Sergey A.;Liu, Yang; Li, Meng; Koonin, Eugene V. (2020). Unprecedented Diversity of Unique CRISPR-Cas-Related Systems and Cas1 Homologs in Asgard Archaea. The CRISPR Journal, 3(3), 156–163.https://doi.org/10.1089/crispr.2020.0012

  20. Pan, Jie; Zhou, Zhichao; Béjà, Oded; Cai, Mingwei; Yang, Yuchun;Liu, Yang; Gu, Ji-Dong; Li, Meng. (2020). Genomic and transcriptomic evidence of light-sensing, porphyrin biosynthesis, Calvin-Benson-Bassham cycle, and urea production in Bathyarchaeota. Microbiome, 8(1), 43.https://doi.org/10.1186/s40168-020-00820-1

  21. Sun, Yihua;Liu, Yang; Pan, Jie; Wang, Fengping; Li, Meng. (2020). Perspectives on Cultivation Strategies of Archaea. Microbial Ecology, 79(3), 770–784.https://doi.org/10.1007/s00248-019-01422-7

  22. Wang, Baozhan; Qin, Wei; Ren, Yi; Zhou, Xue; Jung, Man-Young; Han, Ping; Eloe-Fadrosh, Emiley A.; Li, Meng; Zheng, Yue; Lu, Lu; Yan, Xin; Ji, Junbin;Liu, Yang; Liu, Linmeng; Heiner, Cheryl; Hall, Richard; Martens-Habbena, Willm; Herbold, Craig W.; Rhee, Sung-keun; … Jia, Zhongjun. (2019). Expansion of Thaumarchaeota habitat range is correlated with horizontal transfer of ATPase operons. The ISME Journal, 13(12), 3067–3079.https://doi.org/10.1038/s41396-019-0493-x

  23. Wu, Naicheng; Dong, Xuhui;Liu, Yang; Wang, Chao; Baattrup-Pedersen, Annette; Riis, Tenna. (2017). Using river microalgae as indicators for freshwater biomonitoring: Review of published research and future directions. Ecological Indicators, 81, 124–131.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2017.05.066

  24. Yang, Yuchun; Daims, Holger;Liu, Yang; Herbold, Craig W.; Pjevac, Petra; Lin, Jih-Gaw; Li, Meng; Gu, Ji-Dong. (2020). Activity and Metabolic Versatility of Complete Ammonia Oxidizers in Full-Scale Wastewater Treatment Systems. MBio, 11(2), e03175-19.https://doi.org/10.1128/mbio.03175-19

  25. Yang, Yuchun; Pan, Jie; Zhou, Zhichao; Wu, Jiapeng;Liu, Yang; Lin, Jih-Gaw; Hong, Yiguo; Li, Xiaoyan; Li, Meng; Gu, Ji-Dong. (2020). Complex microbial nitrogen-cycling networks in three distinct anammox-inoculated wastewater treatment systems. Water Research, 168, 115142.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2019.115142

  26. Yin, Xiuran; Cai, Mingwei;Liu, Yang; Zhou, Guowei; Richter-Heitmann, Tim; Aromokeye, David A.; Kulkarni, Ajinkya C.; Nimzyk, Rolf; Cullhed, Henrik; Zhou, Zhichao; Pan, Jie; Yang, Yuchun; Gu, Ji-Dong; Elvert, Marcus; Li, Meng; Friedrich, Michael W. (2021). Subgroup level differences of physiological activities in marine Lokiarchaeota. The ISME Journal, 15(3), 848–861.https://doi.org/10.1038/s41396-020-00818-5

  27. Zhang, Cui-Jing; Pan, Jie; Duan, Chang-Hai; Wang, Yong-Ming;Liu, Yang; Sun, Jian; Zhou, Hai-Chao; Song, Xin; Li, Meng. (2019). Prokaryotic Diversity in Mangrove Sediments across Southeastern China Fundamentally Differs from That in Other Biomes. MSystems, 4(5), e00442-19.https://doi.org/10.1128/msystems.00442-19

  28. Zhang, Cui-Jing; Pan, Jie;Liu, Yang; Duan, Chang-Hai; Li, Meng. (2020). Genomic and transcriptomic insights into methanogenesis potential of novel methanogens from mangrove sediments. Microbiome, 8(1), 94.https://doi.org/10.1186/s40168-020-00876-z

  29. Zhang, Jia-Wei; Dong, Hong-Po; Hou, Li-Jun;Liu, Yang; Ou, Ya-Fei; Zheng, Yan-Ling; Han, Ping; Liang, Xia; Yin, Guo-Yu; Wu, Dian-Ming; Liu, Min; Li, Meng. (2021). Newly discovered Asgard archaea Hermodarchaeota potentially degrade alkanes and aromatics via alkyl/benzyl-succinate synthase and benzoyl-CoA pathway. The ISME Journal, 15(6), 1826–1843.https://doi.org/10.1038/s41396-020-00890-x

  30. Zhang, Xiaowei;Liu, Yang; Gu, Ji-Dong. (2018). A global analysis on the distribution pattern of the bacteria coupling simultaneous methane oxidation to nitrite reduction. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 129, 123–132.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ibiod.2018.01.014

  31. Zhang, Xinxu; Xu, Wei;Liu, Yang; Cai, Mingwei; Luo, Zhuhua; Li, Meng. (2018). Metagenomics Reveals Microbial Diversity and Metabolic Potentials of Seawater and Surface Sediment From a Hadal Biosphere at the Yap Trench. Frontiers in Microbiology, 9, 2402.https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2018.02402

  32. Zheng, Shiling; Li, Meng;Liu, Yang; Liu, Fanghua. (2021). Desulfovibrio feeding Methanobacterium with electrons in conductive methanogenic aggregates from coastal zones. Water Research, 202, 117490.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2021.117490

  33. Zhou, Zhichao;Liu, Yang; Li, Meng; Gu, Ji-Dong. (2018). Two or three domains: a new view of tree of life in the genomics era. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 102(7), 3049–3058.https://doi.org/10.1007/s00253-018-8831-x

  34. Zhou, Zhichao;Liu, Yang; Lloyd, Karen G.; Pan, Jie; Yang, Yuchun; Gu, Ji-Dong; Li, Meng. (2019). Genomic and transcriptomic insights into the ecology and metabolism of benthic archaeal cosmopolitan, Thermoprofundales (MBG-D archaea). The ISME Journal, 13(4), 885–901.https://doi.org/10.1038/s41396-018-0321-8

  35. Zhou, Zhichao;Liu, Yang; Pan, Jie; Cron, Brandi R.; Toner, Brandy M.; Anantharaman, Karthik; Breier, John A.; Dick, Gregory J.; Li, Meng. (2020). Gammaproteobacteria mediating utilization of methyl-, sulfur- and petroleum organic compounds in deep ocean hydrothermal plumes. The ISME Journal, 14(12), 3136–3148.https://doi.org/10.1038/s41396-020-00745-5

  36. Zhou, Zhichao;Liu, Yang; Xu, Wei; Pan, Jie; Luo, Zhu-Hua; Li, Meng. (2020). Genome- and Community-Level Interaction Insights into Carbon Utilization and Element Cycling Functions of Hydrothermarchaeota in Hydrothermal Sediment. MSystems, 5(1).https://doi.org/10.1128/msystems.00795-19

  37. Zhou, Zhichao; Meng, Han;Liu, Yang; Gu, Ji-Dong; Li, Meng. (2017). Stratified Bacterial and Archaeal Community in Mangrove and Intertidal Wetland Mudflats Revealed by High Throughput 16S rRNA Gene Sequencing. Frontiers in Microbiology, 8, 2148.https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2017.02148

  38. Zou, Dayu; Wan, Ru; Han, Lili; Xu, Min Nina;Liu, Yang; Liu, Hongbin; Kao, Shuh-Ji; Li, Meng. (2020). Genomic Characteristics of a Novel Species of Ammonia-Oxidizing Archaea from the Jiulong River Estuary. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 86(18). https://doi.org/10.1128/aem.00736-20







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