





  • 水文地质微生物

  • 微生物和元素循环


  • 2018.09 - 2023.06香港大学 地球科学系,地球微生物学,博士

指导老师: 焦赳赳教授和李海龙教授

  • 2013.09 - 2016.06华南理工大学,环境与能源学院,环境工程,工学硕士

    指导老师: 牛晓君教授

GPA: 3.59/4.0, 排名: 5/61

  • 2009.09 - 2013.06兰州交通大学,环境与市政工程学院,给水排水工程,工学学士

    Overall GPA: 3.42/4.0, 排名: 3/180


  • 2016.07-2018.08 南方科技大学,环境学院,研究助理,李海龙教授课题组


  1. Lu, M. Luo, X.; Jiao, J. J.; Li, H.; Kuang, X.; Wang, X.; Feng, Yu.; Zheng, C., Uncovering the processes of microbial community assembly in the near-surface sediments of a climate-sensitive glacier-fed lake. J Environ Manage 2023, 345, 118714.

  2. Lu, M.; Wang, X.; Li, H.; Jiao, J. J.; Luo, X.; Luo, M.; Yu, S.; Xiao, K.; Li, X.; Qiu, W.; Zheng, C., Microbial community assembly and co-occurrence relationship in sediments of the river-dominated estuary and the adjacent shelf in the wet season. Environ Pollut 2022, 308, 119572.

  3. Lu, M.; Luo, X.; Jiao, J. J.; Li, H.; Wang, X.; Gao, J.; Zhang, X.; Xiao, K., Nutrients and heavy metals mediate the distribution of microbial community in the marine sediments of the Bohai Sea, China. Environ Pollut 2019, 255.

  4. Lu, M.; Niu, X.; Chen, W.; Liang, Z.; You, S.; Gu, X., Phosphine production in anaerobic wastewater treatment under tetracycline antibiotic pressure. J Environ Sci 2018, 69, 239-250.

  5. Lu, M.; Niu, X.; Lin X. et al., Using Illumina MiSeq high-throughput sequencing to analyze the influence of tetracycline on microbial community structure in anaerobic digestion system. Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering 2017, 11(5):2797-2803. (in Chinese)

  6. Lu, M.; Niu, X.; Liu, W.; Zhang, J.; Wang, J.; Yang, J.; Wang, W.; Yang, Z., Biogas generation in anaerobic wastewater treatment under tetracycline antibiotic pressure. Sci Rep 2016, 6, 28336.

  7. Yu, S., Jiao, J. J., Luo, X., Li, H., Wang, X., Zhang, X., Yao, M., Zuo, J., Liang, W., Lu, M. (2023) Evolutionary history of the groundwater system in the Pearl River Delta during the Holocene. Geology, accepted.

  8. Xiao, K.; Zhang, P.; Santos, R.; Wang, J.; Li, Z.; Wang, X.; Wang, Y.; Lu, M.; Zhang, L.; Li, H., Tidal pumping controls dissolved organic matter properties and outwelling from mangrove groundwater to coastal water. Water Resources Research, 2023, accepted.

  9. Zhang, X.; Li, H.; Jiao, J. J.; Luo, X.; Zuo, J.; Lu, M.; Liu, Y.; Liang, W.; Kuang, X., Control factors on nutrient cycling in the lake water and groundwater of the Badain Jaran Desert, China. Journal of Hydrology 2021, 598.

  10. Wang, X.; Zhang, Y.; Zheng, C.; Luo, M.; Yu, S.; Lu, M.; Li, H., Submarine Groundwater and River Discharges Affect Carbon Cycle in a Highly Urbanized and River-Dominated Coastal Area. Frontiers in Marine Science 2021, 8.

  11. Wang, X.; Fu, R.; Li, H.; Zhang, Y.; Lu, M.; Xiao, K.; Zhang, X.; Zheng, C.; Xiong, Y., Heavy metal contamination in surface sediments: A comprehensive, large-scale evaluation for the Bohai Sea, China. Environ Pollut 2020, 260, 113986.

  12. Xiao, K.; Wilson, A. M.; Li, H.; Santos, I. R.; Tamborski, J.; Smith, E.; Lang, S. Q.; Zheng, C.; Luo, X.; Lu, M.; Correa, R. E., Large CO2 release and tidal flushing in salt marsh crab burrows reduce the potential for blue carbon sequestration. Limnology and Oceanography 2020, 66, (1), 14-29.

  13. Liu, Y.; Not, C.; Jiao, J. J.; Liang, W.; Lu, M., Tidal induced dynamics and geochemical reactions of trace metals (Fe, Mn, and Sr) in the salinity transition zone of an intertidal aquifer. Sci Total Environ 2019, 664, 1133-1149.

  14. Wu, H.; Niu, X.; Yang, J.; Wang, C.; Lu, M., Retentions of bisphenol A and norfloxacin by three different ultrafiltration membranes in regard to drinking water treatment. Chemical Engineering Journal 2016, 294, 410-416.

  15. Wu, H.; Niu, X.; Wang, C.; Yang, J.; Lu, M., Preparation and properties of disordered or ordered-modified multi-walled carbon nanotubes/polyvinyl chloride blend ultra-filtration membranes. Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae 2016, 36(6):2013-2019. (in Chinese)

  16. Wang, C.; Lu, M.; Yan, X.; et al., Application of respond surface methodology in analysis and evaluation of ultrafiltration process. Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering 2015, 9(11):5348-5356b. (in Chinese)

  17. Li, L.; Niu, X.; Lu, M., et al., Effect of phosphine in the environment on rice rhizosphere and soil available phosphorus. Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae 2015, 35(6):1851-1857. (in Chinese)

  18. Wang, J.; Niu, X.; Ma, J.; Lu, M., Conversion of phosphorus to phosphine by microbial deoxidization under anaerobic conditions. Microbiology China 2015, 42(1): 34-41. (in Chinese)

  19. Mi, L.; Niu, X.; Lu, M.; Ma, J.; Wu, J.; Zhou, X., Phosphine-induced physiological and biochemical responses in rice seedlings. Chemosphere 2014, 100, 77-82.


  1. Lu, M.; Luo, X.; Jiao, J. J.; Li, H.; Wang, X.; Gao, J.; Zhang, X.; Xiao, K., Nutrients and Heavy Metals Mediate the Distribution of Microbial Community in the Marine Sediments of the Bohai Sea, China. (2019, December). AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (Vol. 2021, pp. B53G-2474).

  2. Liang, W.; Jiao, J.; Liu, Y.; Luo, X.; Lu, M.; Yu, S., & Song, Y., (2021, December). Impacts of super typhoon Mangkhut on the biogeochemical cycle in a mangrove beach aquifer. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (Vol. 2021, pp. B55O-07).

  3. Shi, X.; Jiao, J.; Luo, X.; Lu, M., (2021, December). Lacustrine groundwater discharge and its nutrient contribution in a large shallow lake of China (Vol. 2021, pp. H55S-0951).

  4. The 9th International Association of Hydrological Sciences Groundwater Quality Conference, GQ16, Shenzhen, China, Jul. 2016

  5. The 8th National Conference on Environmental Chemistry, 8th NCEC, Guangzhou, China, Nov. 2015

  6. The 12th National Conference on Water Treatment Chemistry, 12th NCWTC, Guangzhou, China, Dec. 2014


  1. Niu, X.; Lu, M., et al. (2016) A device and method for gas chromatography to determine trace phosphine, Invention Patent, China. Authorization number: CN104458974B

  2. Niu, X.; Lu, M., (2015) An efficient anaerobic-aerobic reactor, Practical New-type Patent, China, CN203866098U

  3. Niu, X.; Lu, M., et al. (2014) A device for gas chromatography to determine trace phosphine, Practical New-type Patent, China, CN204203176U

  4. Yao, M.; Li, H., Lu, M., Yu, S. (2022) Numerical simulation software for biogeochemical reactions in pore water: PWBGCR V1.0. Registration number: 2022SR1432234.


  1. 2022-2026: 国家自然科学基金重点项目珠江口及其陆架区古三角洲离岸地下水的赋存、排泄和演化机制,项目编号:42130702,经费291万元,在研,参与。

  2. 2022-2025: 国家自然科学基金面上项目生物扰动对红树林湿地地下水循环及溶解无机碳排放的影响,项目编号:42177046,经费56万元,在研,参与。

  3. 2021-2024: 国家自然科学基金面上项目海底地下水硝酸盐氮排放溯源及调控策略研究,项目编号:42077173,经费57万元,在研,参与

  4. 2020-2023: 香港研究资助局优配研究金微生物调控的海滩含水层和底栖沉积物的营养物质循环及其对吐露港藻华的影响, 项目编号: 17303519, HK$ 369,179, 在研, 参与。

  5. 2019- 2022: 国家自然科学基金面上项目珠江三角洲弱透水层含水层地区的碳循环机理以及二氧化碳和甲烷排放机制的研究”,项目编号:41877172,经费61万元,结题,参与。

  6. 2016-2019: 国家自然科学基金面上项目利用镭和氡同位素研究巴丹吉林沙漠湖区的地下水向湖排泄通量及湖泊演化历史”, 项目编号:41572208,经费88万元,结题,参与。

  7. 2021-2023: 深圳市科技创新委员会稳定支持重点项目大亚湾和深圳湾海底地下水与营养物质输入及其环境效应,项目编号:20200925174525002,经费200万元,在研,参与。

  8. 2022-2025: 深圳市科技创新委员会基础研究面上项目城市化对近海海洋酸化影响的研究:以深圳湾为例,项目编号:385-焦赳赳SIRI/04/04/2021/08,经费40万元,在研,参与。








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